
Gennie has developed a series of programs based on stories gathered from around the world in which individuals make a difference for the better and discover their true worth. She has an innate ability to draw each student into her stories through her use of voice, mime, movement, and characterization. She has developed a range of programs to groups of children from 5 years upwards and she has performed in all kinds of environments in the UK, Australia and New Zealand..

Gennie began storytelling in 1992 as a result of her passion for children and her belief in the significance of the individual and how the life decisions they make affect the role they play in our world. Many of her stories feature individuals who make a difference for the better and characters who discover their true worth.

Students are encouraged to participate in the performance via a storytelling game segment in which Gennie improvises on ideas suggested by the audience. More ideas are listed in the Teachers’ Notes which are designed to stimulate the imagination and develop skills in both writing and speaking.

While Gennie is one of the few storytellers who can hold a K-6 audience, she has targeted stories for K-2, Years 3&4, 5&6 and 7-9. Whether students are interested in writing and performing or just listening, Gennie’s performance is an empowering experience.

Years K-9
50 minutes
$3.50 + 35c gst
$500.50 ($455 + $45.50 gst if less than 130 students)
A performing area of 2m by 2m